Insaafkesipahi has identified changes that must be initiated in order to meet India's pressing need for reform, addressing gender inequality, poverty, political instability, social justice, and education. These changes are as follows:

● Increase in education spending:

The government shall increase education spending by increasing the per-capita pay for teachers across the country. Insaafkesipahi sincerely thinks that paying every educator roughly 50,000 rupees per month, providing a job guarantee, establishing a pan-India services committee, and providing state teacher service in each state will inspire and motivate them to perform their duties satisfactorily and with excellent results. The aim of this proposal is to raise education standards in India, which is crucial for the development and progress of the country. focusing on increasing teacher compensation and research and development funds.

● Tax exemption for building schools

Insaafkesipahi Collective believes constructing girls' schools and colleges should be exempt from taxes. This desire aims to promote the growth of more girl-only schools, which is essential for advancing gender equality and women's empowerment. In the long run, it is possible to anticipate a population of women who are better educated and more powerful with provisions to encourage and support governmental and commercial organizations.

● Introducing a "vocational education and training" (VET) program

The Insaafkesipahi Collective has proposed a programme that focuses on giving students practical knowledge and abilities that are immediately applicable to the Work industry.For instance, telecom firms, manufacturing companies, engineering institutes, or any other corporation must be allowed to establish vocational training centers, which can assist them develop skills and provide work prospects after 12th grade within these organizations or others that are similar.Theseprogrammes may be a good method for students to get financial aid, obtain useful work experience, and open up more job and career opportunities. Also, Organizations that support students in achieving this should also be provided tax exemption.

● National Health Service (NHS)

The group suggests offering all residents access to affordable or free medical care and a special supplemental nutrition program for Women and their Infants regardless of their capacity to pay. The government has the responsibility of regulating its operations and making sure that it meets the population's healthcare needs, whether that means offering daily free lunches to schoolchildren for basic nourishment or offering medical assistance. The Collective has also urged for the program's expansion to include a greater number of kids and infants and mothers, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds or who reside in rural locations.

● Penalty for defectors:

Insaafkesipahi Collective intends to convey the point that politicians who switch parties ought to be penalized by being disqualified for at least five years from participating in any elections. The Parties use defectors to overthrow elected governments for their own gain demonstrates how pervasive this behavior is in India. This is aimed at preventing the practice of "political defection," which often leads to instability in governments and undermines democracy. This issue can be addressed in the form of a disqualification from holding public office.

● Create final court of appeal in all regions

It is outrageous that someone seeking justice on constitutional grounds must deal with distance restrictions. Every region of our nation requires a minimum of four courts of appeal. Individuals from the furthest reaches of the country, such as Keralans and Arunachalese, are unable to access the Supreme Court in Delhi due to a lack of financial and physical resources. After the High Court, each region should have a single 13-judge constitutional court that serves as the final court of appeal.

● Small businesses help

Small and medium-sized shops and trading firms are the most employment-generating fields after farming. However, they are at risk of dying out due to competition from large online and offline retailers. Therefore, there should be a sales cap of 25% on big companies that sell to large retailers. Additionally, small and medium-sized enterprises are facing challenges with the current GST system, which is very strict and confusing. The tremendous power given to GST officials, including the power to arrest and third degree torture, has led to widespread corruption that is beyond imagination. To support small and medium-sized businesses, there should be a simple and precise GST system with minimal compliance, similar to the previous VAT system. The power of arrest should be completely withdrawn or use only when default is established in economic offense and the government should also provide insurance to cover small business losses and a provision for receiving a pension of at least 10% of there average annual contribution to encourage entrepreneurship.